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VIKIA HBs Ag is a rapid immunochromatographic or lateral flow test for the qualitative detection of Hepatitis B surface Antigen in human serum plasma or whole blood It can be used for prenatal or transfusional screening and during acute infection or chronic carriage of the hepatitis B virus Early detection of infection is essential for rapid initiation of adequate
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HepBs Ag test Procedure clear explain VIKIA HBs Ag is a rapid immunochromatographic or lateral flow test for the qualitative detection of Hepatitis B surface Antigen in human serum plasma or whole blood It can be used for prenatal or transfusional screening and during acute infection or chronic carriage of the hepatitis B virus Early detection of infection is essential for rapid initiation of adequate treatment
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VIKIA HBs Ag bioMrieux Asean countries
VIKIA HBs Ag is a rapid immunochromatographic or lateral flow test for the qualitative detection of Hepatitis B surface Antigen in human serum
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