6:57 PM

GhanaThe Rockefeller footing possess make public a 38 million grant to the Ghanaian government in partnership with the World Bank to support the establishment of world class facilities that will attract IT and IT enabled firms including Business Process Outsourcing BPO firms to Ghana and create jobs for Ghanaian youth The grant complements the World Banks US5 million provided under
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ICT Assistant ict Assistant exam 2021government jobs 2021 government jobs for every sri lankanThe Rockefeller Foundation has given the Ghanian government a 38 million grant to help it launch world class facilities that will attract IT and IT enabled firms including Business Process Outsourcing BPO firms to the country in a move expected to attract ICT jobs for Ghanaian youth The Ghanaian government has been working with World Bank under the eGhana Project part of the 100
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Rockefeller Foundations 38 Million Grant Helps Position
24 Mar 2014 GhanaThe Rockefeller Foundation has announced a 38 million grant to the Ghanaian government in partnership with the World Bank to support
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