11:52 PM

06062011 As these organize changes are a significant undertaking for the University a pilot of the new MyCQU Student Portal CQUniversity Mail and other online collaboration tools is being run during Term 3 2010 The student and staff feedback received during this Pilot is important and will enable us to improve these systems in preparation for 2011
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What is ICT Information and Communications TechnologyCQUni Phonebook CQUni Phonebook User Quick links Profile Viewing Course History The information below is relevant from 01032010 to 12072015 Click Here to view current information Information and Communication Technology ICT Abilities
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October 2010 CQUniTECHNOLOGY
The new MyCQU Student Portal will provide students with better access to their course information student forums and the ability to customise pages to
Monday 6 June 2011 From Monday 13 June 2011 CQUniversity students and staff will be able to lock the computer they are Friday 29 October 2010
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Saturday, October 23, 2021