11:47 PM

03072012 Out of 35000 new ICT jobs demand forecasts to be created in Australia nearly 14000 IT jobs is set to be created this year while 21000 jobs are likely to be created next year Most significantly Australia is facing a severe skills shortage according to ACS despite the increase in Australias ICT jobs
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Job and skills opportunities in ICT SectorIf you are a ICT Quality Assurance Engineer Quality Analyst ICT A A ANZSCO Code 263211 you may be eligible for State sponsorship and Australian provisional or permanent visas subclassess 189 190 491 186 or 494 You may need to obtain a positive skills assessment from ACS
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Australia Seeking For 35000 ICT Jobs National Visas
3 Jul 2012 July 3 2012 As the value of Australias digital economy continues to boom driven by the increase in mining investment in IT
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