10:08 AM
With technology kids are getting incredibley smart younger and younger Their brains are receiving stimulation constantly Without technology our brains got minimal stimulation Without all that stimulation we never knew what mentally tired felt like a sleepless nightor anxiety
you may also read this technologyYes for most people tech is not something we give a second thought to but some people literally cant live without technology and we arent being dramatic For some people the existence of technology is the difference between silence and laughter loneliness and interaction and even life and death 43 views
feel free for see more inspiration technologyanother info about technologyHasil web
What is life without technology Quora
httpswwwquoracom Whatislifewithouttechnolo
10 Agu 2015 Life would be hard Doctors amputating legs when they get infected No antibiotics Death from a rusty nail Bonejarring travel by horse or stagecoach Houses
42 jawaban
14 suara
Edit The answer was written in context with the question What was your life
Was life better without technology Quora
41 jawaban
22 Okt 2014
How about a day without technology every week
3 jawaban
26 Apr 2017
Is it possible to live a good life without technology
14 jawaban
17 Mar 2015
Can you imagine living without technology devices
38 jawaban
19 Mar 2015
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