8:45 PM

Binax at the moment Filariasis Immunochromatographic trial ICT Basic Guidelines i Cards are currently known to have a limited shelf life at ambient temperatures 3 months at 30C but longer shelf life when stored at 4C approximately 9 months Cards should NOT be frozen ii
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Filariasis Perjalanan Penyakit W banchrofti Brugia malayi dan timori Siklus Hidup PengobatanBinax Now Filariasis Immunochromatographic Test ICT Basic Guidelines i Cards are currently known to have a limited shelf life at ambient temperatures 3 months at 30C but longer shelf life when stored at 4C approximately 9 months Cards should NOT be frozen ii
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The Binax NOW Filariasis Immunochromatographic Test ICT
Filariasis is a disabling parasitic disease and the prevalence of lymphatic filariasis caused by Wuchereria bancrofti is quite high in India However W
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Tuesday, September 21, 2021