10:30 PM

tendency optimistic We can discern that price moves below Midnight Opening price and then gives displacement to the upside We can discern a trend of price moving higher before 1200pm NY EST I have drew all the MOP line out to 12pm Looking further we can notice that the London Kill Zone
you may see this video:
ICT Forex The ICT Asian KillzoneICT Kill Zones v4 AvniPiro ICT KILLZONE AND TRUE DAY RANGE 1014 11 this is a unique script because it calibrates each new trading day from midnight new york time rather than the traditional market open time we were taught in books which are not correctit works in a currencies pairs and not too reliable in commodities and indices 34 1
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ICT Time Theory Kill Zones Midnight NY GMT
16 Des 2020 This script helps you to mark the following automatically instead of doing it every day Midnight GMT Midnight NY Asia Session
ICT Time Theory Kill Zones Midnight NY GMT leakquuuu
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This script helps you to mark the following automatically instead of doing it every day Midnight GMT Midnight NY Asia Session London Open Kill Zone
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