7:37 PM

10102018 The European Commission has signalled that it is considering a net zero emissions goal and in the UK the Labour Party now has that as a key policy net zero by 2050 rather than the current 80 emissions cut target by 2050 What does net zero mean and is it possible The first part is easy Net zero means that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions are reduced 100 to zero although some can
you may also read this technologyNet zero means that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions are reduced 100 to zero although some can be allowed if compensatory carbon negative processes are introduced for example air capture of carbon dioxide How to achieve this is a bit more complex The most obvious approach is not to produce any more carbon dioxide
feel free for see more inspiration technologyanother info about technologyCan we get to net zero emissions Physics World
httpsphysicsworldcom canwegettonetzeroemissio
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Monday, September 6, 2021