2:33 PM

1 Background 2 Lyrics 3 Derivatives 4 Other media appearances 4.1 Discography 4.2 Concerts 4.3 Video games 5 External links 5.1 Official 5.2 Unofficial “Sing, dance, and feel the cuteness. Please keep on going! 39 Music! This is the theme song for Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2016”—Authors comment 39 Music! is a song featuring Hatsune Miku by MikitoP. It is one of his most notable ...A Gift is a supernatural or superhuman ability, ranging from the ability to wield magic to the ability to manipulate emotions through music. Bardic Magic in Velgarth seems to be related to other Gifts, especially Empathy. The use of Bardic Gift is usually embedded in performing music. The bardic gift comes in three forms the gift, the talent, and creativity. Talented Bards, those with the ...
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Thursday, December 17, 2020